Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A week in Brighton and a draw in Cardiff

Well last week I was lucky enough to have work fly me to Brighton UK for three days of meetings. The flight over produced one of the supprises of the trip, the captain of the American Airlines flight I few from JFK to Heathrow sung to the passengers just before take off!! It was a really fun way to start the flight. I stayed at the Hotel Du Vin which was nice. It had a flash bar and restaurant, and the rooms had fantastic bathrooms. They had old free standing ceramic bath tubs. The work week produced a few intangible results. I got time with my new boss, which I really needed. I've been struggling to understand his management style, which has resulted in a few heated discussions. I think I have a better handle on how he operates, and how his other employees work with him. Brighton was nice, I liked the old 'Lanes' area of town, and if it wasn't for the freezing weather it would be a nice summary place to live.

It was mum's birthday on the 3rd and I managed to call her from my mobile phone. There was a huge delay on the phone but I loved talking to her. Although it was only for a few minutes it made me really miss her, and wish that I was able to talk to them more often.

On the Friday after work I traveled back to London to visit Caitlin's sister Sam. I had a few drinks and an Italian dinner with her and her friends. It was a nice relief to have a relaxing evening without work colleagues. The following Saturday I traveled my train to Cardiff to watch the Wallabies vs Wales Rugby Match. Although I was initially apprehensive about the loneliness of traveling alone, I didn't mind it. The game was FANTASTIC, it was fast competitive and exciting, and fairly ended in a draw. I then caught the train back to London and the following morning few back to New York (this time without my singing pilot).

What a nice week.

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