Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Superbowl, NY Rangers, a Snow Storm, and Pip and Mim

The last few weeks outside work have been largely characterised by 4 events. My first New York Rangers Ice Hockey game, my first Superbowl Sunday since moving to New York, Pip & Mim arriving in New York, and a snow storm.

The boys at work are big Ice Hockey fans and of all the U.S sports Ice Hockey is one of the most foreign. The boys and I went to Madisen Square Garden to watch the Rangers play the Toronto Maple Leafs. The Rangers lost and to be honest I didn't enjoy the game as much as I enjoy the Knicks, or the Yankees, but it was still a cool experience.

On Superbowl Sunday Murray's sister Miriam and her friend Pip arrived. We caught up in the afternoon to watch the game, and parked ourselves at a bar near me which had 2 for 1 drinks. We fulfilled the American tradition of eating Nachos, drinking far too much beer and watching the Superbowl. A top evening all round!

It was nice having the girls around and I had a great time frequenting NY bars and resturants with them. I did find it amusing though, that they were here for the coldest week of the year (average temp of -10 C)!!!
Also the night they left we had a snow storm which blanketed the city in THREE INCHES of SNOW!! The following morning was VERY exciting. I had to walk through inches snow to get to and from work. For a guy from Sydney it was VERY exciting.