This year for christmas Steph, Mum and I visited Camilla and Hiren in Dubai. The trip was a quick 5 days of family, fantastic food, impressive cityscapes.

On the second day of our visit we ventured out of dubai to a desert resort called "Bab Al Shams". Where we rode camels, ate indian food, and enjoyed the sun.
Back in town Camilla, Steph, Mum and I spend a day exploring the older area of dubai and enjoying a nice arabian lunch and view from the water.

As you can (or can't) see I spent my time trying to grow a beard... very unsuccessfully. All in all I very much enjoyed spending time with the girls, the food was increadible and Dubai was a pleasant change from the cold New York winter.
i had an amazing trip and christmas (the first of many!)! next stop...the sixth borough...south beach baby!!! p.s. i think a mohawk WITH a beard would be a pretty good look. what do you say? =)
bring on south beach!! hmmm Mohawlk AND beard... I think I'd look like a white lanky Mr.T.
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