Last weekend was FANTASTIC!!! Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday, and the Friday is also a holiday seemingly for no particular reason other than because there are sales. So we had a great 4 day weekend.

Friday night we headed off to see the Knicks vs the Chicago Bulls at Madison Square Garden!!! Man I love watching the Knicks, it is just such an incredible spectacle. From the Hotdogs and beer, to the Kicks City Dancer, to the Knicks City Kids, to the dogs catching frisbies, to the game its self. Unfortunately on this occasion the Knicks were flogged in the first half. In the second they made a bit of a come back but it wasn't enough and they lost. Still it was a fabulous night!
Then Sunday we saw the New York Ballet perform the Nut Cracker. It was oooooh kay. I'm not a ballet officianado but i've seen better. So far the Chinese Ballet was by far the best I have seen. This was a little dull and uninspired and to quote caitlin "they sound like elephants!". But still, it was a fantastic opportunity to see the New York Ballet.
So all in all it was a pretty amazing weekend!! This week coming Caitlin heads back to Sydney its been nice to have her here and to get out and about. After that mum arrives for christmaka! My first Christmas in New York... .I'm SOO looking forward to it... now all I need is the snow!
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